Source code for testing.tests.cpp_nesting

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# This file is part of exhale.  Copyright (c) 2017-2019, Stephen McDowell.             #
# Full BSD 3-Clause license available here:                                            #
#                                                                                      #
#                       #
Tests for the ``cpp_nesting`` project.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from testing.base import ExhaleTestCase
from testing.decorators import confoverrides
from testing.hierarchies import                                              \
    class_hierarchy, clike, compare_class_hierarchy, compare_file_hierarchy, \
    directory, file, file_hierarchy, namespace, union

[docs]class CPPNesting(ExhaleTestCase): """ Primary test class for project ``cpp_nesting``. """ test_project = "cpp_nesting" """.. testproject:: cpp_nesting""" file_hierarchy_dict = { directory("include"): { file("top_level.hpp"): { clike("struct", "top_level"): {} }, directory("nested"): { directory("one"): { file("one.hpp"): { namespace("nested"): { clike("struct", "one"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } } } }, }, directory("two"): { file("two.hpp"): { namespace("nested"): { clike("struct", "two"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } }, union("four_bytes"): {} } } }, directory("dual_nested"): { directory("one"): { file("one.hpp"): { namespace("nested"): { namespace("dual_nested"): { clike("struct", "one"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } } } } } }, directory("two"): { file("two.hpp"): { namespace("nested"): { namespace("dual_nested"): { clike("struct", "two"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } } } } } } } } } } class_hierarchy_dict = { clike("struct", "top_level"): {}, namespace("nested"): { clike("struct", "one"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } }, clike("struct", "two"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } }, union("four_bytes"): {}, namespace("dual_nested"): { clike("struct", "one"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } }, clike("struct", "two"): { clike("struct", "params"): { union("four_bytes"): {} } } } } }
[docs] def test_hierarchies(self): """Verify the class and file hierarchies.""" compare_file_hierarchy(self, file_hierarchy(self.file_hierarchy_dict)) compare_class_hierarchy(self, class_hierarchy(self.class_hierarchy_dict))
[docs] @confoverrides(exhale_args={"doxygenStripFromPath": "../include"}) def test_hierarchies_stripped(self): """ Verify the class and file hierarchies with ``doxygenStripFromPath=../include``. .. todo:: this test is not supported yet """ return # TODO: Exhale should remove the include/ directory # dirty hack to pop off the first include/ directory without needing to know # the actual object that is the first and only key for key in self.file_hierarchy_dict: no_include = self.file_hierarchy_dict[key] break compare_file_hierarchy(self, file_hierarchy(no_include)) compare_class_hierarchy(self, class_hierarchy(self.class_hierarchy_dict))