See also: project roadmap.


Exhale is being updated in waves as I have free time. It was originally written to be tracked by the user next to Keeping it in a single file made this as convenient as possible for users, but was ultimately inconvenient to maintain.

Right now, the graph module is largely the same as it was in the single file library version. Eventually this will be whittled down into the other modules present in the library (e.g., modularizing writing nodes to file, parsing of xml).

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More fine-grained control will be available in the pickleable writer API sometime in Exhale 1.x.

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add some pictures of the different hierarchies once this is packaged

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This feature is NOT implemented yet! Hopefully soon. It definitely gets under my skin. It’s mostly documented just to show up in the todolist for me ;)

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add documentation of this method

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document this, create another method for creating this without the need for generating links, to be used in making the node titles and labels

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long time from now: intersphinx should be possible here

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fmt_spec docs needed. keys are kind and values are color spec

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add thorough documentation of this

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many attributes currently stored do not need to be, refactor in future release to just use the configs module.

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node discovery has changed, breathe no longer used…update docs

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writing the actual file should be set in one method so that things for files, namespaces, and leaflike nodes don’t keep getting out of sync

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actually document this

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actually document this

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cleanup / reorder these

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update docs for new list version rather than string returns

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document better / this gets updated in v1.0.0

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This value is saved in order to be able to distinguish when a “separate source and build” directory is being tested. At this time this is not fully implemented, should be a subdirectory of self.testroot and / index.rst should be generated there.

Currently, these are always generated in testroot, implying that there is no “separate source and build” directory structure. Solution requires further investigation of the sphinx testing suite.

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  1. identify via a file_* method that {doxygenStripFromPath} was correctly removed / wielded.

System Message: INFO/1 (/home/docs/checkouts/ of testing.base.ExhaleTestCase.checkAllFilesIncluded, line 4)

Enumerated list start value not ordinal-1: “4” (ordinal 4)

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stop reloading configs module in 1.x.

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???? values indicate items not currently implemented or used in the testing framework.

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template specification / creation TBD for classes / structs.

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enumvalues are not currently handled in Exhale proper.

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template specification / creation TBD for functions.

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union members are not actually tested at this point.

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This will break if / when doxygen refid generation changes. In theory it should be possible to synthetically re-create the hierarchy without this crazy text processing.

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This one should be possible to re-create manually rather than relying on direct text comparisons. But until you figure out how to do the class one more programmatically you aren’t doing that lolz.

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These tests are incomplete (from __future__ import config_objects). The module level storage creates conflicts between the test cases when specifying the regular expressions :/

Currently there is only one test for a custom lexer mapping, and it only actually works because the name is alphabetically sorted after the default test (meaning pytest will run it after).

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The full function validation does not support templates (yet). Templates at large in the testing framework need to be reworked, currently it is all boiler plate code with no actual validation…

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Too much shared code in hierarchy comparisons, the class hierarchy for this project should be empty. Need to enable asserting this fact (same for the cpp_nesting project).

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this test is not supported yet

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Class hierarchy not tested here, need to revisit that part of the testing framework as well as stop emitting a “Class Hierarchy” on the root api page when it is empty.

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add some pictures of the different hierarchies once this is packaged

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In Exhale v1.0.0 (when full-fledged projects are supported) each heading on this page will receive a formal reStructuredText label to ease the process of linking to this page.


This has an important consequence for you! If you use the linking strategy described here, when formal reStructuredText labels are introduced, your links will likely break (because it changes the anchor point from the title to the generated label).

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