Quickstart Guide

You will need to edit 2 files: conf.py to configure the extensions, and index.rst (or whatever document you choose) to include the generated api in a toctree directive. Both conf.py and index.rst are part of a default Sphinx documentation project, the next section will walk you through how to create a new Sphinx project and the subsequent sections explain the modifications required on each document.

Getting Started with Sphinx

To get a project started with Sphinx, we will want to run the sphinx-quickstart utility. Assuming you are already working in a git repository, the canonical location to do this in would be {repo_root}/docs. So let’s go ahead and make that folder and get our Sphinx project started:

$ cd /path/to/my/repo
$ mkdir docs
$ cd docs

The output below is getting broken up into sections to explain what is happening, but when you run this from your terminal you will need to of course complete it from start to finish.

$ sphinx-quickstart
Welcome to the Sphinx 4.3.1 quickstart utility.

Please enter values for the following settings (just press Enter to
accept a default value, if one is given in brackets).

Selected root path: .

You have two options for placing the build directory for Sphinx output.
Either, you use a directory "_build" within the root path, or you separate
"source" and "build" directories within the root path.
> Separate source and build directories (y/n) [n]: n

The default choice n says “keep things together”. This is my personal preference, but it is not overwhelmingly significant.

Choosing n

Choosing y

├── _build
│       build artifacts
│       go here
├── conf.py
├── index.rst
├── make.bat
├── Makefile
├── _static
└── _templates
├── build
│     build artifacts
│     go here
├── make.bat
├── Makefile
└── source
    ├── conf.py
    ├── index.rst
    ├── _static
    └── _templates

The main thing to understand is that where Exhale is concerned, all relative paths specified in any configuration variables are relative to wherever conf.py lives. The build artifacts go here section is to just explain that if you do make html, then in the n case a folder docs/_build/html will be created, and in the y case it will be in docs/build/html. Repeat for make linkcheck. In either case, you will definitely want to add docs/_build or docs/build to your .gitignore or related version control ignore file.

The only other thing worth pointing out here is that by default sphinx creates the _static and _templates directories for you. At first start, you don’t use those but:


Where you would track things like a custom.css stylesheet, any logo icons, a custom.js javascript file, etc. See html_static_path.


Where you would store custom jinja2 templates to override settings in your chosen html_theme. The templates are read from templates_path which defaults to _templates. See also: Sphinx Templating.

Finishing the sphinx-quickstart command output, we enter the relevant metadata about our project so that sphinx can populate as much as possible of our conf.py for us:

$ sphinx-quickstart

The project name will occur in several places in the built documentation.
> Project name: Super Project
> Author name(s): Myself ThePerson, Robotic Armistice
> Project release []: 0.1.0

If the documents are to be written in a language other than English,
you can select a language here by its language code. Sphinx will then
translate text that it generates into that language.

For a list of supported codes, see
> Project language [en]:

Creating file /path/to/docs/conf.py.
Creating file /path/to/docs/index.rst.
Creating file /path/to/docs/Makefile.
Creating file /path/to/docs/make.bat.

Finished: An initial directory structure has been created.

You should now populate your master file /path/to/docs/index.rst and create other documentation
source files. Use the Makefile to build the docs, like so:
    make builder
where "builder" is one of the supported builders, e.g. html, latex or linkcheck

There is also the official Sphinx Quickstart Guide with more information on builders and whatnot.

Bonus: Sphinx Good-to-Know

The conf.py file generated does not have a whole lot left in it anymore, but it’s worth pointing out a couple of important usage features of the conf.py file that are not immediately obvious until you start working.

Where do Magic Variables Come From?

Any variable listed on Sphinx Configurations Module can be added to this conf.py file. There are a lot of options available to you, it’s worth taking a scroll through to see what kind of customization can be done! For example, see the docs on rst_epilog – that makes it so that you could inject your own custom (and even programmatically defined) substitutions to make life easy.

Do I have to Write reStructuredText?

No, this is not a requirement. However, it needs to be enabled in your project since Exhale generates .rst documents. You will want to modify the source_suffix value in conf.py to include markdown, if that is what you want to write in. You may also be interested in looking at MyST if you want to write in markdown, but need to call “directives”. These – directives – are what Exhale needs to do its thing.

WTF is setup(app)?!

One of my most favorite, but not very well documented, features of conf.py is that effectively every sphinx project is a Sphinx Extension of sorts. At the bottom of your conf.py file, if you add a magic def setup(app): method then you will be able to do all sorts of things like adding custom “roles” or “directives”. The main point is that app is going to be a Sphinx instance so any method there is fair game.

Noting that in recent times, adding a custom _static/custom.css file or _static/super_hack.js file has become easier via the html_css_files and html_js_files, this example is just to demonstrate that using those configuration values could also be accomplished like this:

# See discussion above about html_static_path, let's assume that the files
# docs/_static/custom.css and docs/_static/super_hack.js exist.
html_static_path = ["_static"]

# ... other configurations ...

def setup(app):
    app.add_js_file("super_hack.js", async="async")

In most cases, you won’t really have a need for the setup(app) method, but as soon as you want to do anything beyond what the default configurations in Sphinx allow, you’ll be able to do it in this method.

Setup the Extensions in conf.py

Assuming your Doxygen documentation is in order, and you already have your Sphinx project ready to go, we need to configure the Breathe and Exhale extensions. For this guide I assume the following directory structure:

├── docs/
│   ├── conf.py
│   └── index.rst
├── include/
│   └── common.hpp
└── src/
    └── common.cpp

This structure is not required, but you’ll need to change values accordingly.


When using relative paths, these are always relative to conf.py. In the above structure I do not have a “separate source and build directory” from Sphinx. If you do, make sure you are using the correct paths.

# The `extensions` list should already be in here from `sphinx-quickstart`
extensions = [
    # there may be others here already, e.g. 'sphinx.ext.mathjax'

# Setup the breathe extension
breathe_projects = {
    "My Project": "./_doxygen/xml"
breathe_default_project = "My Project"

# Setup the exhale extension
exhale_args = {
    # These arguments are required
    "containmentFolder":     "./api",
    "rootFileName":          "library_root.rst",
    "doxygenStripFromPath":  "..",
    # Heavily encouraged optional argument (see docs)
    "rootFileTitle":         "Library API",
    # Suggested optional arguments
    "createTreeView":        True,
    # TIP: if using the sphinx-bootstrap-theme, you need
    # "treeViewIsBootstrap": True,
    "exhaleExecutesDoxygen": True,
    "exhaleDoxygenStdin":    "INPUT = ../include"

# Tell sphinx what the primary language being documented is.
primary_domain = 'cpp'

# Tell sphinx what the pygments highlight language should be.
highlight_language = 'cpp'

With the above settings, Exhale would produce the docs/api folder, the file docs/api/library_root.rst (among many others), and it would use Doxygen to parse docs/../include and save the output in docs/_doxygen. Meaning the following structure would be created:

├── docs/
│   ├── api/
│   │   └── library_root.rst
│   │
│   ├── conf.py
│   ├── index.rst
│   │
│   └── _doxygen/
│       └── xml/
│           └── index.xml
├── include/
│   └── common.hpp
└── src/
    └── common.cpp


You are by no means required to use Exhale to generate Doxygen. If you choose not to I assume you have the wherewithal to figure it out on your own. See also the WTF is setup(app)?! section, in that method would be a good place to invoke doxygen. Or use CMake. Or whatever.

Optional: Create a Proper Clean Target

The sphinx-quickstart utility will create a Makefile for you, you are advised to create an explicit clean target that removes the generated utilities.

  1. You can just as easily specify to breathe_projects a path such as _build/_doxygen/xml, or ../build/_doxygen/xml if you have separate source and build directories. This will ensure that a make clean will delete these.

    To avoid confusing users who are new to Sphinx, I encourage something in the same directory as conf.py for simplicity.

  2. The generated API must appear in the Sphinx source directory. If you put it under _build, it will not get parsed.

So bust out the Makefile provided by Sphinx Quickstart and add clean to the .PHONY line, and the clean target as shown below (assuming you’ve been using the paths specified above):

.PHONY: help Makefile clean

     rm -rf _doxygen/ api/


make requires TAB characters! If you just copy-pasted that, you got space characters (sorry).


The above code must appear before the %: Makefile “catch-all” target that Sphinx produced by default. Otherwise…well the catch-all target catches all!

Hosting your Documentation Online

Now that you have a sphinx project able to build your documentation, you will want to find a home to host your project online. If you just want to get documentation out the door, try Read the Docs. You can also do something like GitHub Pages, but that process is a little bit more involved since you’ll need to deploy to a gh-pages branch. Search online for sphinx github pages, hopefully over time somebody will create a better GitHub action that allows e.g., versioned hosting of docs.