Source code for testing.tests.cpp_fortran_mixed

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# This file is part of exhale.  Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Stephen McDowell.             #
# Full BSD 3-Clause license available here:                                            #
#                                                                                      #
#                       #
Tests for the ``cpp_fortran_mixed`` project.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import platform
import re

from testing import get_exhale_root
from testing.base import ExhaleTestCase
from testing.decorators import confoverrides
from testing.hierarchies import compare_file_hierarchy, file_hierarchy

[docs] @confoverrides(exhale_args={ "exhaleDoxygenStdin": "INPUT = ../include ../src/conversions.f90" }) class CPPFortranMixed(ExhaleTestCase): """ Primary test class for project ``cpp_fortran_mixed``. This test class exists to test explicit language lexer mappings via :data:`~exhale.configs.lexerMapping`. Note that the C++ code and namespace ``convert`` is definitively chosen to be different than the name of the fortran module name (``conversions``). If they are the same, some interesting things happen on the Doxygen side, because Doxygen will combine the namespaces. .. todo:: These tests are incomplete (``from __future__ import config_objects``). The module level storage creates conflicts between the test cases when specifying the regular expressions :/ Currently there is only one test for a custom lexer mapping, and it only actually works because the name is alphabetically sorted after the default test (meaning pytest will run it after). .. todo:: The full function validation does not support templates (yet). Templates at large in the testing framework need to be reworked, currently it is all boiler plate code with no actual validation... """ test_project = "cpp_fortran_mixed" """.. testproject:: cpp_fortran_mixed"""
[docs] def test_hierarchies(self): """ Validate the class and file hierarchies. **Not tested on Windows**, maybe I'll care to fix it one day. `But it is not this day`__! __ .. todo:: Too much shared code in hierarchy comparisons, the class hierarchy for this project should be **empty**. Need to enable asserting this fact (same for the ``cpp_nesting`` project). """ if platform.system() != "Windows": # compare_class_hierarchy(self, class_hierarchy({})) compare_file_hierarchy(self, file_hierarchy(self.file_hierarchy_dict()))
[docs] def validate_pygments_lexers(self, exhale_root, node_map): """ Validate nodes have the expected pygments lexer in their program listing file. **Parameters** ``exhale_root`` (:class:`exhale.graph.ExhaleRoot`) The graph root object for this project. ``node_map`` (:class:`python:dict`) A map of :class:`exhale.graph.ExhaleNode` objects to string values. The keys must be the nodes extracted from the ``exhale_root`` (as opposed to a testing type). Each value should be a pygments lexer, such as ``"cpp"`` or ``"fortran"``. The generated program listing file will be parsed and an assert statement performed for equality to these specified values. """ lexer_regex = re.compile(r"^.. code-block:: (.*)$") for file_node in node_map: expected_lexer = node_map[file_node] program_listing_file_path = os.path.join( exhale_root.root_directory, file_node.program_file ) lexer_was_asserted = False with open(program_listing_file_path) as program_listing_file: for line in program_listing_file: lexer_match = lexer_regex.match(line) if lexer_match: lexer = lexer_match.groups()[0] self.assertTrue( lexer == expected_lexer, "{0}: expected '{1}' but got '{2}' language lexer.".format( file_node.location, expected_lexer, lexer ) ) lexer_was_asserted = True break # Make sure we actually ran a check for this file. self.assertTrue( lexer_was_asserted, "Did not find '.. code-block:: xxxx' in [{0}]".format(program_listing_file_path) )
[docs] def get_hpp_and_f90_nodes(self, exhale_root): """ Return the two :class:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleNode` objects for this project. **Parameters** ``exhale_root`` (:class:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleRoot`) The graph root object for this project. **Returns** :class:`python:tuple` A length two tuple of :class:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleNode` objects, ordered as ``(convert_hpp, conversions_f90)``. These represent the files ``include/convert/convert.hpp`` and ``src/conversions.f90``, respectively. """ convert_hpp = None convert_hpp_path = os.path.join("include", "convert", "convert.hpp") conversions_f90 = None conversions_f90_path = os.path.join("src", "conversions.f90") for f in exhale_root.files: if f.location == convert_hpp_path: convert_hpp = f continue elif f.location == conversions_f90_path: conversions_f90 = f continue self.assertTrue( convert_hpp is not None, "Could not find ExhaleNode with file location 'include/convert/convert.hpp'." ) self.assertTrue( conversions_f90 is not None, "Could not find ExhaleNode with file location 'src/conversions.f90'." ) return (convert_hpp, conversions_f90)
[docs] def test_default_lexers(self): """ Verify ``convert.hpp`` maps to ``"cpp"`` and ``conversions.f90`` to ``"fortran"``. """ exhale_root = get_exhale_root(self) convert_hpp, conversions_f90 = self.get_hpp_and_f90_nodes(exhale_root) self.validate_pygments_lexers( exhale_root, {convert_hpp: "cpp", conversions_f90: "fortran"} )
[docs] @confoverrides(exhale_args={"lexerMapping": {r".*\.f90": "python"}}) def test_modified_fortran(self): """ Verify regular expression overload of ``*.f90`` files map to ``"python"``. """ exhale_root = get_exhale_root(self) convert_hpp, conversions_f90 = self.get_hpp_and_f90_nodes(exhale_root) self.validate_pygments_lexers( exhale_root, {convert_hpp: "cpp", conversions_f90: "python"} )