Source code for testing.projects.cpp_long_names

The ``cpp_long_names`` test project.

import os
import platform

from testing import TEST_PROJECTS_ROOT
from testing.hierarchies import                                                        \
    clike, define, directory, enum, file, function, namespace, parameters, typedef,    \
    union, variable

RUN_ABSURD_TEST = platform.system() != "Windows"
When ``platform.system() != "Windows"``, :data:`ABSURD_DIRECTORY_PATH` is created.

[docs] def make_it_big(prefix): """Mirrors the macro ``MAKE_IT_BIG`` in ``absurdly_long_names.hpp``.""" big = [ prefix, "that", "is", "longer", "than", "two", "hundred", "and", "fifty", "five", "characters", "long", "which", "is", "an", "absolutely", "and", "completely", "ridiculous", "thing", "to", "do", "and", "if", "you", "did", "this", "in", "the", "real", "world", "you", "put", "yourself", "comfortably", "in", "a", "position", "to", "be", "downsized", "and", "outta", "here", "as", "soul", "position", "would", "explain", "to", "you" ] return "_".join(big)
ABSURD_DIRECTORY_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( TEST_PROJECTS_ROOT, "cpp_long_names", "include", make_it_big("directory_structure").replace("_", os.sep) )) """ The absurd directory path that will be created depending on :data:`RUN_ABSURD_TEST`. """
[docs] def default_class_hierarchy_dict(): """Return the default class hierarchy dictionary.""" return {}
[docs] def default_file_hierarchy_dict(): """ Return the default file hierarchy dictionary. If :data:`RUN_ABSURD_TEST` is ``True``, :data:`ABSURD_DIRECTORY_PATH` will be incorporated in the returned dictionary. """ absurdly_long_names_hpp_contents = { define("MAKE_IT_BIG"): {}, clike("class", make_it_big("class")): {}, clike("struct", make_it_big("struct")): {}, function("std::string", make_it_big("function")): parameters(), enum(make_it_big("enum")): {}, # TODO: values("first", "second", "third"), namespace(make_it_big("namespace")): { variable("int", "value"): {} }, define(make_it_big("define").upper()): {}, variable("int", make_it_big("variable")): {}, typedef(make_it_big("typedef"), "float"): {}, union(make_it_big("union")): {} } if RUN_ABSURD_TEST: absurd_directory_structure = { directory("structure"): { directory("that"): { directory("is"): { directory("longer"): { directory("than"): { directory("two"): { directory("hundred"): { directory("and"): { directory("fifty"): { directory("five"): { directory("characters"): { directory("long"): { directory("which"): { directory("is"): { directory("an"): { directory("absolutely"): { directory("and"): { directory("completely"): { directory("ridiculous"): { directory("thing"): { directory("to"): { directory("do"): { # noqa: E501 directory("and"): { # noqa: E501 directory("if"): { # noqa: E501 directory("you"): { # noqa: E501 directory("did"): { # noqa: E501 directory("this"): { # noqa: E501 directory("in"): { # noqa: E501 directory("the"): { # noqa: E501 directory("real"): { # noqa: E501 directory("world"): { # noqa: E501 directory("you"): { # noqa: E501 directory("put"): { # noqa: E501 directory("yourself"): { # noqa: E501 directory("comfortably"): { # noqa: E501 directory("in"): { # noqa: E501 directory("a"): { # noqa: E501 directory("position"): { # noqa: E501 directory("to"): { # noqa: E501 directory("be"): { # noqa: E501 directory("downsized"): { # noqa: E501 directory("and"): { # noqa: E501 directory("outta"): { # noqa: E501 directory("here"): { # noqa: E501 directory("as"): { # noqa: E501 directory("soul"): { # noqa: E501 directory("position"): { # noqa: E501 directory("would"): { # noqa: E501 directory("explain"): { # noqa: E501 directory("to"): { # noqa: E501 directory("you"): { # noqa: E501 file("a_file.hpp"): { # noqa: E501 function("std::string", "extremely_nested"): parameters() # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } # noqa: E501 } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return { directory("include"): { file("absurdly_long_names.hpp"): absurdly_long_names_hpp_contents, directory("directory"): absurd_directory_structure } } else: return { directory("include"): { file("absurdly_long_names.hpp"): absurdly_long_names_hpp_contents } }