Source code for testing.base

# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# This file is part of exhale.  Copyright (c) 2017-2024, Stephen McDowell.             #
# Full BSD 3-Clause license available here:                                            #
#                                                                                      #
#                       #
Defines the core sphinx project based test case utilities.

All project based test cases should inherit from :class:`testing.base.ExhaleTestCase`.

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import textwrap
import unittest
from importlib import import_module

import exhale
import pytest
import six
from six import add_metaclass
from sphinx.testing.path import path

from . import TEST_PROJECTS_ROOT, get_exhale_root
from .decorators import default_confoverrides

[docs] def make_default_config(project): """ Return a default configuration for exhale. **Parameters** ``project`` (str) The name of the project that will be searched for in ``testing/projects/{project}``. **Return** ``dict`` The global default testing configuration to supply to ``confoverrides`` with ``@pytest.mark.sphinx``, these are values that would ordinarily be written in a ````. """ return { "breathe_projects": { project: "./_doxygen/xml" }, "breathe_default_project": project, "exhale_args": { # required arguments "containmentFolder": "./api", "rootFileName": "{0}_root.rst".format(project), "rootFileTitle": "``{0}`` Test Project".format(project), "doxygenStripFromPath": "..", # additional arguments "exhaleExecutesDoxygen": True, "exhaleDoxygenStdin": "INPUT = ../include" } }
[docs] class ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass(type): """ Metaclass to enforce mandatory attributes on :class:`testing.base.ExhaleTestCase`. """
[docs] def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): # noqa: N804 """ Return a new instance with the specified attributes. **Parameters** ``mcs`` (:class:`python:type`) This metaclass (:class:`testing.base.ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass`). ``name`` (:class:`python:str`) The name of the class being instantiated. ``bases`` (:class:`python:list`) The list of base classes of ``name``. ``attrs`` (:class:`python:dict`) The class-level attributes. These will be inspected / modified as needed to produce a final class definition that can use sphinx test applications where desired. """ if attrs["__module__"] == __name__: # we skip everything if we're creating ExhaleTestCase below return super(ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) # Make sure `test_project` is defined in all derived classes. test_project = attrs.get("test_project", None) if test_project is None: # otherwise we need a ``test_project`` attribute raise RuntimeError( "ExhaleTestCase subclasses must define a 'test_project' attribute" ) if not isinstance(test_project, six.string_types): raise RuntimeError( "'test_project' in class {0} must be a string!".format(name) ) # looking for test methods ("test_*") has_tests = False for n, attr in attrs.items(): if callable(attr) and n.startswith("test_"): has_tests = True break # if there are tests, we set the app attribute using the # ```` fixture if has_tests: ############################################################################ # Make the sphinx test application available as ``. # ############################################################################ def _set_app(self, app): # before the test = app yield # the test runs # @no_cleanup sets self.testroot to [self.testroot] as a flag that # cleanup should not transpire if isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types): # This cleanup happens between each test case, do not delete docs/ # until all tests for this class are done! containmentFolder = self.getAbsContainmentFolder() if os.path.isdir(containmentFolder): shutil.rmtree(containmentFolder) # Delete the doctrees as well as e.g. _build/html, app.outdir is going # to be docs/_build/{builder_name} _build = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(app.outdir)) if os.path.isdir(_build): shutil.rmtree(_build) # Make sure doxygen output is deleted between runs doxy_xml_dir = app.config.breathe_projects[test_project] if not os.path.isabs(doxy_xml_dir): doxy_xml_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, doxy_xml_dir )) doxy_dir = os.path.dirname(doxy_xml_dir) if os.path.isdir(doxy_dir): shutil.rmtree(doxy_dir) = None ############################################################################ # Automatically create docs_Class_test/{,index.rst} for this test. # ############################################################################ def _rootdir(self, app_params): # Create the test project's 'docs' dir with a and index.rst. # the root directory name is generated from the test name testroot = os.path.join( TEST_PROJECTS_ROOT, self.test_project, "docs_{0}_{1}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._testMethodName) ) if os.path.isdir(testroot): shutil.rmtree(testroot) os.makedirs(testroot) # Make the testing root available for this test case for when separate # source / build directories are used (in this case, # is a subdirectory of testroot). self.testroot = testroot # set the 'testroot' kwarg so that sphinx knows about it app_params.kwargs["srcdir"] = path(testroot) # Sphinx demands a `` is present with open(os.path.join(testroot, ""), "w") as conf_py: conf_py.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- project = "{test_project}" extensions = ["breathe", "exhale"] master_doc = "index" source_suffix = [".rst"] ''').format( test_project=test_project )) # Absurd test cases may need an increased recursion limit for Sphinx if self.test_project in ["cpp_long_names"]: conf_py.write(textwrap.dedent(''' import sys sys.setrecursionlimit(2000) ''')) # If a given test case needs to run, make sure index.rst # is available as well with open(os.path.join(testroot, "index.rst"), "w") as index_rst: index_rst.write(textwrap.dedent(''' Exhale Test Case ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 {containmentFolder}/{rootFileName} ''').format( # containmentFolder and rootFileName are always in exhale_args **app_params.kwargs["confoverrides"]["exhale_args"]) ) # run the test in testroot yield testroot # perform cleanup by deleting the docs dir # @no_cleanup sets self.testroot to [self.testroot] as a flag that # cleanup should not transpire if isinstance(self.testroot, six.string_types) and os.path.isdir(self.testroot): shutil.rmtree(self.testroot) self.testroot = None # Create the class-level fixture for creating / deleting the docs/ dir attrs["_rootdir"] = pytest.fixture(autouse=True)(_rootdir) attrs["_set_app"] = pytest.fixture(autouse=True)(_set_app) # Create a default test that will validate some common tests def test_common(self): marks = getattr(self, "pytestmark", False) no_run = marks and any('no_run' in m.args for m in marks) if not no_run: self.checkRequiredConfigs() self.checkAllFilesGenerated() self.checkAllFilesIncluded() attrs["test_common"] = test_common # Import the default hierarchy dictionaries from the testing/projects folder # and make it available to the class directly. proj_mod = import_module( "testing.projects.{test_project}".format(test_project=test_project)) default_class_hierarchy_dict = proj_mod.default_class_hierarchy_dict def class_hierarchy_wrapper(self): return default_class_hierarchy_dict() attrs["class_hierarchy_dict"] = class_hierarchy_wrapper default_file_hierarchy_dict = proj_mod.default_file_hierarchy_dict def file_hierarchy_wrapper(self): return default_file_hierarchy_dict() attrs["file_hierarchy_dict"] = file_hierarchy_wrapper attrs["test_project_module"] = proj_mod # In case it's ever needed... # applying the default configuration override, which is overridden using the # @confoverride decorator at class or method level return default_confoverrides( super(ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs), make_default_config(attrs["test_project"]) )
[docs] @add_metaclass(ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass) class ExhaleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ The primary project based test class to inherit from. The ``__metaclass__`` is set to :class:`testing.base.ExhaleTestCaseMetaclass`. Inherits from :class:`python:unittest.TestCase`. **Attributes Populated by the Metaclass Fixtures for Each Test** These attributes are populated during the setup of a test function, and then later set to ``None`` during the test function teardown. These are **only** available inside the method body of a testing function (a function with a name starting with ``test_``). ```` (``sphinx.testing.util.SphinxTestApp``) The sphinx testing application. Acquire the ```` values (and corresponding ``@confoverrides``) via ```` like any traditional sphinx application. ``self.testroot`` (:class:`python:str`) The ``testroot`` supplied to ``pytest.mark.sphinx``, the "docs" directory. Its value will be ``testing/projects/{test_project}/docs_{ClassName}_{test_function_name}``. .. todo:: This value is saved in order to be able to distinguish when a "separate source and build" directory is being tested. At this time this is not fully implemented, ```` should be a subdirectory of ``self.testroot`` and ```` / ``index.rst`` should be generated there. Currently, these are always generated in ``testroot``, implying that there is no "separate source and build" directory structure. Solution requires further investigation of the sphinx testing suite. .. danger:: As a consequence, running tests in parallel is not and never will be supported (e.g., when running ``tox -e py``). """ test_project = None """ The string representing the project to run Doxygen / exhale on. This variable is used to index into ``testing/projects/{test_project}``. For example, with ``test_project = "c_maths"``, the directory used is ``testing/projects/c_maths``. That is, this variable is joined with the path defined by :data:`testing.TEST_PROJECTS_ROOT`. **This class-level string variable must be set in subclasses**. """
[docs] def cross_validate(self, contents, required=None, forbidden=None): """ Validate *all* ``required`` and *no* ``forbidden`` items found in ``contents``. For each item in ``required`` an assertion of ``item in contents`` is made, and for each item in ``forbidden`` an assertion of ``item not in contents`` is made. If neither ``required`` nor ``forbidden`` are supplied, no checks are performed. **Parameters** ``contents`` (:class:`python:str` or Iterable) The contents to cross validate that all required items and no forbidden items are found in. ``required`` (:data:`python:None` or Iterable) The listing of all required entries that are required to be in ``contents``. ``forbidden`` (:data:`python:None` or Iterable) The listing of all forbidden entries that are not allowed in ``contents``. """ if required: for item in required: self.assertTrue( item in contents, "Required entry [{item}] not found in:\n{contents}".format( item=item, contents=contents ) ) if forbidden: for item in forbidden: self.assertTrue( item not in contents, "Forbidden entry [{item}] found in:\n{contents}".format( item=item, contents=contents ) )
[docs] def contents_for_node(self, node): """ Return the generated file contents for the specified ``node``. **Parameters** ``node`` (:class:`exhale.graph.ExhaleNode`) The node whose generated file contents are desired. Note that this must be a proper :class:`~exhale.graph.ExhaleNode` instance, since ``node.file_name`` is what is used. That is, a mocked testing node should not be used! **Return** (:class:`python:str`) The contents of ``node.file_name``. **Raises** If ``os.path.join(self.getAbsContainmentFolder(), node.file_name)`` does not exist. """ node_path = os.path.join(self.getAbsContainmentFolder(), node.file_name) with open(node_path) as f: return
[docs] def getAbsContainmentFolder(self): r""" Return the absolute path to ``"containmentFolder"``. If ``exhale_args["containmentFolder"]`` is an absolute path, it will be returned unchanged. Otherwise, it will be resolved against ``app.srcdir``. **Return** ``str`` An absolute path to the ``"containmentFolder"`` where Exhale will be generating its reStructuredText documents. .. note:: When ``platform.system() == "Windows"``, this string will **always** be prefixed with ``\\?\`` to deal with maximum path length issues. This is to accommodate the somewhat long containment folders generated by using the testing class name as well as the test name. See :data:`~exhale.configs.MAXIMUM_WINDOWS_PATH_LENGTH` for more information. If this is not done, then even if ```` is skipped for the test cases that cause this (in :class:`~testing.tests.cpp_long_names.CPPLongNames`), :func:`python:shutil.rmtree` will crash during test teardown. Better to just always include it. """ containmentFolder =["containmentFolder"] if not os.path.isabs(containmentFolder): containmentFolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(, containmentFolder )) # Guarantee Windows can cope with this path. if platform.system() == "Windows": # NOTE: containmentFolder is *ALREADY* an absolute path, this prefix # requires absolute paths! See documentation for # configs.MAXIMUM_WINDOWS_PATH_LENGTH. containmentFolder = "{magic}{containmentFolder}".format( magic="{slash}{slash}?{slash}".format(slash="\\"), # \\?\ I HATE YOU WINDOWS containmentFolder=containmentFolder ) return containmentFolder
[docs] def checkRequiredConfigs(self): """ Validate the four required configuration arguments in ``exhale_args``. 1. Checks that ``{containmentFolder}`` was created. 2. Checks that ``{containmentFolder}/{rootFileName}`` was created. 3. Checks that ``{rootFileTitle}`` is found in ``{containmentFolder}/{rootFileName}``. .. todo:: 4. identify via a ``file_*`` method that ``{doxygenStripFromPath}`` was correctly removed / wielded. .. autotested:: """ containmentFolder = self.getAbsContainmentFolder() rootFileName =["rootFileName"] rootFileTitle =["rootFileTitle"] doxygenStripFromPath =["doxygenStripFromPath"] # validate that the containmentFolder was created assert os.path.isdir(containmentFolder) # validate that {containmentFolder}/{rootFileName} was created assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(containmentFolder, rootFileName)) # validate that the title was included with open(os.path.join(containmentFolder, rootFileName), "r") as root: root_contents = root_heading = "{0}\n{1}".format( rootFileTitle, exhale.utils.heading_mark(rootFileTitle, exhale.configs.SECTION_HEADING_CHAR) ) assert root_heading in root_contents # TODO: validate doxygenStripFromPath if doxygenStripFromPath: # this is only here to avoid a flake8 fail on a todo pass
[docs] def checkAllFilesGenerated(self): """ Validate that all files are actually generated. .. autotested:: """ root = get_exhale_root(self) containmentFolder = self.getAbsContainmentFolder() for node in root.all_nodes: if node.kind in ["enumvalue", "group"]: continue gen_file_path = os.path.join(containmentFolder, node.file_name) self.assertTrue( os.path.isfile(gen_file_path), "File for {kind} node with refid=[{refid}] not generated to [{gen_file_path}]!".format( kind=node.kind, refid=node.refid, gen_file_path=gen_file_path ) )
[docs] def checkAllFilesIncluded(self): """ Validate that all files are actually included in the library root. .. autotested:: """ # TODO: config objects: this import can go away from exhale.configs import unabridgedOrphanKinds # build path to unabridged api document that adds all toctree directives root = get_exhale_root(self) containmentFolder = self.getAbsContainmentFolder() unabridged_api_path = os.path.join(containmentFolder, "unabridged_api.rst.include") unabridged_orphan_path = os.path.join(containmentFolder, "unabridged_orphan.rst") # gather lines that match the indented part of the toctree # # .. toctree:: # :maxdepth: {toctreeMaxDepth} # # some_node.file_name.rst # # so just lazily look for the leading three spaces and ending with .rst full_api_toctrees = [] under_toctree_re = re.compile(r"^ .+\.rst$") with open(unabridged_api_path) as unabridged_api: for line in unabridged_api: if under_toctree_re.match(line): full_api_toctrees.append(line.strip()) orphan_toctrees = [] if os.path.isfile(unabridged_orphan_path): with open(unabridged_orphan_path) as unabridged_orphan: for line in unabridged_orphan: if under_toctree_re.match(line): orphan_toctrees.append(line.strip()) # Scan all nodes and make sure they were found in the toctrees above. doxygen_mainpage_was_used = False for node in root.all_nodes: if node.kind in {"enumvalue", "group"}: continue # When doxygen \mainpage command is used, the .. doxygenpage:: index # is .. include::'ed in the root file document. Those checks come # after this loop. if node.kind == "page" and node.refid == "indexpage": doxygen_mainpage_was_used = True continue if node.kind in unabridgedOrphanKinds or \ (node.kind == "class" and "struct" in unabridgedOrphanKinds) or \ (node.kind == "struct" and "class" in unabridgedOrphanKinds): toctrees = orphan_toctrees doc = unabridged_orphan_path else: toctrees = full_api_toctrees doc = unabridged_api_path self.assertTrue( node.file_name in toctrees, "Node refid=[{refid}] and basename=[{file_name}] not found in [{doc}]!".format( refid=node.refid, file_name=node.file_name, doc=doc ) ) # Make sure every document expected to be .. include::'ed in the library root # has actually been included. full_root_file_path = root.full_root_file_path root_file_includes = [] with open(full_root_file_path, "r") as full_root_f: for line in full_root_f: include_mark = ".. include::" if line.startswith(include_mark): root_file_includes.append(line.split(include_mark)[-1].strip()) index_include = False # page_index.rst comes from doxygen \mainpage page_hierarchy_include = False # page_view_hierarchy.rst class_hierarchy_include = False # class_view_hierarchy.rst file_hierarchy_include = False # file_view_hierarchy.rst unabridged_api_include = True # unabridged_api.rst. Always included. orphan_api_include = False # unabridged_orphan.rst. Never included. for node in root.all_nodes: if node.kind == "page": if node.refid == "indexpage": index_include = True else: page_hierarchy_include = True elif node.kind in exhale.utils.CLASS_LIKE_KINDS: class_hierarchy_include = True elif node.kind in {"dir", "file"}: file_hierarchy_include = True self.assertTrue( doxygen_mainpage_was_used == index_include, "Mismatch: doxygen_mainpage_was_used != index_include!") include_map = { "page_index.rst.include": index_include, os.path.basename(root.page_hierarchy_file): page_hierarchy_include, os.path.basename(root.class_hierarchy_file): class_hierarchy_include, os.path.basename(root.file_hierarchy_file): file_hierarchy_include, os.path.basename(root.unabridged_api_file): unabridged_api_include, os.path.basename(root.unabridged_orphan_file): orphan_api_include } root_file_base = os.path.basename(full_root_file_path) for key, val in include_map.items(): if val: check = getattr(self, "assertTrue") msg = "*WAS* expected in {root_file_base}, but was *NOT* found!".format( root_file_base=root_file_base ) else: check = getattr(self, "assertFalse") msg = "was *NOT* expected in {root_file_base}, but *WAS* found!".format( root_file_base=root_file_base ) check( key in root_file_includes, "Page '{key}' {msg}".format(key=key, msg=msg)) # Some tests may want the toctree names afterward. return full_api_toctrees, orphan_toctrees